
To Wait For An Angel Book - Childbirth ProcessThere is no greater gift than the gift of birth? No greater joy and, perhaps, no greater challenge. In order to fully enjoy that gift, shouldn’t we strive to be conscious, alert, focused and aware of all that is taking place within us and around us?

This website is devoted to learning about the importance of the birth process and all that it entails. It’s not just for women, but also for men: men, who are very often left out of the circle as women take charge and attend to the task at hand.

As you move through the categories and sub-headings of this website, please open your heart and mind to all the possibilities that the process of pregnancy and birth can entail.

And please feel free to share your story as I have, and know that other’s out there reading them may have similar stories but might be hesitant to share them for a myriad of reasons. Please know that your story has the potential to touch others, as well as to help others heal from a pregnancy or birth that did not go as planned. For so often in life the unexpected happens and we are presented with situations and circumstances that challenge us to learn and grow, and to move to a higher level of consciousness. But your story could also unite you with others in celebrating the joy of bringing a new life into the world. Pregnancy and childbirth can be a catalyst for immense changes in our lives, for once a couple brings a new life into the world, nothing is ever the same again.

William Thomas Sette